LCOY Report UAE 2021

LCOY Australia Report
A brief report of the LCOY Australia 2021 program, Friday 5 – Sunday 7 February.

LCOY 2021
The Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) is a youth-led global movement under the umbrella of YOUNGO, the official youth and children NGOs constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
We invite participation from youth students, young entrepreneurs and those interested to get involved in creating a better world. You will learn about climate change, sustainable initiatives, innovations and network with like-minded youth.
LCOY UAE | LCOY Australia

LCOY15 Netherlands
The Brahma Kumaris supported The Local Conference of Youth for Climate Change Netherlands (LCOYNL) 2019 with an experienced team. This conference took place from 16-17 November at the Amsterdam University College.

COY15 Madrid
The Conference of Youth (COY) is held annually in the same country and prior to the Conference of the Parties (COP), which is the supreme decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). COY serves as a preparation session for youth non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to develop position papers, network and form strategic decisions on climate change solutions. Despite the COP venue moving from Chile to Spain, Brahma Kumaris fielded a strong team of experienced young people.

LCOY in Germany 2019
The Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) for Germany was held in Heidelberg, Germany in October 2019. Over 550 young people attended the event. The local BKs, as well as having an exhibition stand, organised many meditation sessions for the participants. It was a good success.

LCOY Austria 2019
The Local Climate Conference of Youth (LCOY) for Austria took place in November 2019. About 300 young people attended.

LCOY 15 India
LCOY-15, INDIA is being hosted by Brahma Kumaris from 2nd to 4th November at its spiritual HQ, Mt.Abu, Rajasthan. Youth from all parts of India were invited to participate in this event and make their voices heard.

LCOY-15 Invitation
LCOY-15, INDIA is being hosted by Brahma Kumaris from 2nd to 4th November at its International HQs, Mt.Abu, Rajasthan. Youth from all parts of India are invited to participate in this event and make their voices heard.

COY14, Katowice, Poland
The Conference of Youth is organised by and attended by youth of the world who are interested in environmental issues. It is an opportunity for them to learn about the latest issues, to network and to ensure they are equipped with everyday “tools” for climate action. The Brahma Kumaris sent 4 members this year. They organised workshops and meditation sessions as well as attending the events of other parties. They were kept busy!

LCOY14 held in India
COY14 is a three-day international summit which precedes the deliberations of the United Nations Conference for climate change – COP24. … The aim of COY is to motivate youth to commit to fighting climate change and give them a space to brainstorm about global climate policies. LCOY is an offshoot of COY allowing youth to participate in the discussion at a local level.

COY13 Bonn, Germany – Report
This report is from the Conference of Youth (COY) 13 that was held in Bonn, Germany from 2nd to 4th November. The report includes descriptions of:
- Delegates
- Stand
- Art exhibition
- 5 workshops
- Many photos

COY12 for south Asian youth
This meeting of youth from around south Asia looked at a range of environmental issues, including the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals with a number of inspiring indoor and outdoors activities. They were also entertained with some delightful theatrical events.

COY12 – Report 4th – 6th November
Marrakesh hosted the 12th annual global Conference of Youth (COY12) for Climate Change and it was run by the Moroccan Youth organizations. Around 1800 young people from 37 countries attended. Included in this report:
- Events at the Oasys of peace
- Intergenerational dialogue “Co-creating a future to believe in”
- The workshop Generation of Change: Harnessing our Highest Potential
- The closing ceremony

COP21 – COY11 report
The youth of Bahma Kumaris attended the Conference of Youth (COY11) over three days. They met a number of distinguished people and showed how it is possible to convey a serious message and have fun.

8th Conference of Youth
The BK Environment Initiative (BKEI) youth participation was scaled up in 2012 with a meaningful and effective participation at COY8 as part of the overall UN set of meetings on climate change in Doha. COY8 was held on 23rd to 25th November 2012 at the Doha Student Centre in Qatar.

Report for 26 November 2012
Since the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) entered into force in 1994, the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC has been meeting annually to assess progress in dealing with climate change. The COP is the highest decision-making authority of the Convention. There are now 195 parties to the convention taking part in climate change negotiations.

Summary Report of COP19 and COY9
COP19 was taking place in the atmosphere of a strong call from science as well as from the communities adversely impacted on by climate change, with the most pleading message coming from the Philippines, recently devastated by a typhoon. Their lead negotiator, Mr Naderev Yeb Saño, inspired many to join in the solidarity fast with typhoon victims, which he himself initiated and held throughout the climate change conference, thus protesting global inaction.

The Green Team Youth Group report.
Poland hosted the 9th Conference of Youth ( COY), a 4 day conference held in Warsaw. 350 youth from over 20 countries participated to share stories, learn skills, per-form solidarity acts and sharpen strategies. COY’s focus has always been to unite youth all over the world in order to strengthen their voice towards global climate change.

Workshop at Global Climate Youth Conference – Powershift
Thursday 7th November 2013 & Friday 8th November 2013
“A Journey to Empowerment” and
“Creating Inner Resilience in Challenging Times”.

COY 10 Lima 2014 Report
The Conference of Youth (COY) is a participatory event, bringing together young leaders from around the world who are interested to take actions to help manage Climate Change and who are prepared to adopt sustainable lifestyles. The conference was held in the city of Lima, capital of the Republic of Peru, from 28th to 30th November 2014.
The Brahma Kumaris Youth group demonstrated a growing influence and support for this conference. As well as helping to facilitate workshops, they also had a side event – supported by nature.