Key entry points into the topic of biodiversity consciousness
Key entry points or talking points into the topic of biodiversity consciousness and spirituality/Brahma Kumaris: The Brahma Kumaris recognise that change is needed at a personal level. We have to return to the values that made our traditions great: peace, love etc… It´s time for individuals to act with conscience.

COP-11 – 3rd week Report
The last part of the delegation arrived on the 15th October – Maureen Goodman, UK, Golo Pilz, India, Sonja Ohlsson Denmark and Sunita Panday, India. A few days with many programmes were in front of them.

COP-11 2nd week Report
Convention on Biodiversity, a meeting which served to support and promote implementation of the objectives of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets. Held during the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity, its goal was to mainstream biodiversity at different levels.

COP-11 1st week Report
The 11th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity was held in Hyderabad, India from 1st -19th October 2012. This was the first COP in the UN Decade on Biodiversity 2011-2020. The slogan ‘Prakruti Rakshati Rakshita (”Nature protects if she is protected”) gave Brahma Kumaris an opening for raising awareness about personal responsibility. A BK position Statement, three pamphlets and a set of cards were prepared to help awaken biodiversity consciousness.

Report from Rural Development Wing
The agenda of the meetings of the Conference of the Parties is very wide-ranging, reflecting the programme of work the Conference of the Parties has established for itself. The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University in the capacity of an ‘NGO’ actively participated at the meetings, dialogues and exhibitions to showcase its green initiative to promote biodiversity through the Sustainable Yogic Agriculture Project and plantation projects promoted by the Rural Development Wing (RERF) as well as explaining the importance of non-conventional sources of energy for conservation of biodiversity.

Convention on Biological Diversity
Brahma Kumaris activities during COP11, the Convention on Biological Diversity
HICC, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, October 2012
Awakening Biodiversity Consciousness