BK Green Retreat

Lisbon Green retreat

Regeneration: Nurturing, the self, the soil and the future.

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See the Report

Green Retreat on Lake Baikal

Retreat “Ecology and Spirituality”

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Green Retreat “Unfolding the nature of the soul”

Green Retreat “Unfolding the nature of the soul”
Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia

icon linking to PDF document   See the report and photos.

Green Champions training

Eco Online ‘Green Champions’ Training Report
Sunday 21st June 2020
Facilitators: Joanna Kitto and Nirmala Ragbir-Day

icon linking to PDF document   See the report and photos.

    See the report and photos (phone)

Green Day in Madhuban 2020

The Green Day dedicated to the environment has now become a bi-annual event in Madhuban. Many activities took place with focus on emergency preparedness and refining our relationship with and service of Mother Earth.

icon linking to PDF document    See the report and photos.

    See the report and photos (phone)

Fertigation and orchard farming with meditation

The Brahma Kumaris family in Malaysia held a green retreat to look at aspects of agriculture with experts giving advice on such matters as Fertigation and Hydroponic Farming Systems. This was combined with reflections on the power of meditation to positively affect agriculture yields (yogic farming).

Green retreat at Moringen, 2019

The new retreat centre at Moringen, Germany has focussed on being as environmentally friendly and as self sustaining as possible.  It has made remarkable progress and has been holding Green Retreats this year.

Worthing ECO retreat 2019

A Green retreat was held in Lighthouse Retreat Centre Worthing where members of Brahma Kumaris from many parts of the UK (and the world) shared news and ideas in relation to protecting and nurturing the environment. Some very creative ideas were shared.

Green Retreat in Portugal, 2018

A green retreat was held in Lisbon, Portugal, 12 – 16 July 2018.  The retreat explored the relationship we have with the five elements through meditations, professional advice and art.  Valériane descibed the Brahma Kumaris support for the ‘Living the Change’ project.

Green Day in Madhuban 2018

This is a short photo report of a day with Mother Earth and emergency preparations held in Madhuban.

Moringen Green Retreat 2017

The Green teams from many countries gathered in the new retreat centre in Moringen, Germany to share their insights and experiences (and to have a lovely time together!). The retreat included many walks and talks with lots of photo opportunites.

BK Australia Environmental Group Retreat 2017

The environmental group of Australia hold a ‘green’ retreat each year. This year, the theme was APPRECIATING AND GIVING – appreciating the colours of nature and giving to the 5 elements of nature, a fascinating insight to the importance of colours.

ECO retreat at Worthing 2016

This retreat in Worthing (11-13 November) for UK BKs was attended by a very eco-active group, from all over the UK, who shared their ideas on various aspects of pratical tips for cleaning materials, creative use of arts and consciousness. Plans have been made to continue these ideas as projects to create real results.

Ecological Retreat, Lisbon June 2016

This retreat for Brahma Kumaris (BK) members was held at the BK centre in Lisbon over the weekend of 16 to 20 June 2016. The subject was ‘Caring for Nature’ There were thought-provoking workshops, some great meals and good weather.

European Teachers ECO workshop, 2015

This was held in Oxford Global Retreat Centre, set in the Oxfordshire countryside, in August. A brief report is given here.

North America Green Retreat 2015

On Friday, July 31, BKs from USA, Canada and Spain gathered at Peace Village on Friday evening with a lot of enthusiasm for the North America BK Green Retreat of 2015. The theme was “Consciousness and Matter, the Confluence of Two Living Systems” It was held at Peace Village Retreat Center, New York (July 31 – August 2).

North America 4th Annual Green Retreat

The Brahma Kumaris family of North America, as part of the Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative, held their 4th Annual Green Retreat
July 30 – August 2, 2015 in Peace Village, New York. This was facilitated by Neville Hodgkinson of the UK. The flyers for this can be seen

Lisbon Ecological Retreat 2015

About 30 people gathered from around Europe in Lisbon, Portugal from the 2nd–6th July 2015 to experience the soul’s true relationship with the five elements. The retreat looked at interactions with Nature and how to improve efforts to respect the environment. This retreat included meditations, Qigong and Hatha Yoga practices to sustain the body.

The green walking retreat – Germany

In September 2014, it was decided to have a green retreat in Germany. Instead of being based in one place, they chose to go for an extended walk – it was a big challenge.

Vila Serra Serena Retreat Centre, Brazil

The retreat centre at Vila Serra Serena, Brazil has been constructed using sustainable technologies. Here is a photo-report presenting the centre.

Inner Transition for a Greener World

In July 11-13, 2014 at Peace Village, Haines Falls, NY, USA, a ‘Green Retreat’ was held with a range of interesting topics and visits to farms where they put into practice the principles that they spoke about.

Peace Village Learning & Retreat Center – Sunday, July 13 11:00am – 4:00pm

People are increasingly aware of the ecological and spiritual crisis caused by human beings. They want to create harmonious and sustainable lives for themselves and for all beings, and are urgently asking: How can this enormous task be accomplished?? This workshop will provide food for thought, spiritual tools and some action steps.

Ecological Retreat Casa Sangam, Italy

Between Thursday 5th and Monday 9th of June 2014, a retreat focusing on environmental awareness and ecology was held at the retreat centre at Casa Sangam, near Gubbio in Italy.