EU Energy Week report 2014
This report summarises the activities of Brahma Kumaris in support of the EU Energy Week.

Brahma Kumaris’ participation in EU Energy Week 2014
Brahma Kumaris is dedicating 9 different programs in 8 different cities to EU Energy week 2014 under the main theme of Sustainable transitions demands a new mindset. The main program will be in Brussels 25th June:
New Thinking Creates New Realities…
Sustainable transitions demands a new mindset… and the call of the time now is asking us to shift our awareness towards in the global and EU debate. So what is the shift in awareness that can ease the transition to the vision we hold? What is the vision?’

Events in Brussels
Exhibition: Consciousness & the Environment, New Thinking Creates New Realities, World in Transition – New Thinking Creates New Realities

Outdoor Meditation for the Environment, Copenhagen
For 2014, MeditationByLake-reducedBrahma Kumaris in Copenhagen will focus on 10 Values for a Greener Lifestyle. We meditate together for the environment and give lectures focusing on the relationship between our thoughts, lifestyle and the environment. There is a special event: 14:00 to 15:00, Sunday 1st June 2014, Islands Brygge.

World in Transition – New Thoughts Create New Realities, Hamburg
Courageous People in Dialogue
A discussion with:
BK Jayanti Kirpalani, Anna Leidreiter, Dieter Lünse, Joachim Golo Pilz.
7:00 – 9:00pm, Tuesday, 3rd June 2014
Rudolf Steiner Haus, Mittelweg 11, 20148 Hamburg, Germany

Life Style and Climate Change, Gdansk, Poland
How to daily care for the Earth – inspirations for heart and mind.17:00 – 18:30, Sunday, 15th June 2014Brahma Kumaris Center, Gdansk, Grunwaldzka 6/5, Poland

Detox your mind, Warsaw
This is a workshop session on cleaning our thoughts and elevating our feelings for the betterment of the planet Earth. The meeting will be held in Polish. 18:00- 20:00, Tuesday 17th June 2014, Galeria Medytacji, Brahma Kumaris, Smolna 11 8A, Warsaw. Poland

10 Ways To Change The World, Glasgow, UK
Talk , Sharing & Meditation for EU Sustainable Energy Week
“The health and abundance in the natural environment depends entirely on human behaviour. An everyday drama plays out on this world stage as we continue to act our parts. I am not sitting here temporarily. This planet is my eternal theatre…. Let’s increase our regard for the environment. … Om Shanti.” Dadi Janki
Join us for an inspiring evening to explore 10 ways to change the world. Everyone who attends will receive a reminder card listing the 10 ways we can all make a positive difference. 19:00 – 20:30 26th June 2014 Inner Space, 277 High Street, Glasgow G4 0QS, UK

Healthy Mind, Healthy Planet, Kortrijk, Belgium
A lecture: How are our thoughts related to a healthy planet…..Are they? , Wishful thinking or reality? Speakers: Joachim Golo Pilz Director, Solar Research Institute World Renewal Spiritual Trust – Shantivan Campus, Abu Road, Rajasthan, India More Info Sonja Ohlsson Co-ordinator of the Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative Friday 27 June 2014, Budastraat 21/22, Kortrijk, Belgium…