Yogic Farming at EXPO 2015 Milan
As part of the Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative, a presentation of Sustainable Yogic Agriculture was made at EXPO 2015 Milan, on 10 July 2015. They described best practices and the significant results of thousands of farmers was described.

Yogic Farming Through Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Meditation
This academic paper (published June 2015) describes research carried out over three years on yogic farming using Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga meditation (BKRYM). It gives a positive indication of the benefits of yogic farming. It says, in its conclusion:
If we know the basics of science, such as all matter is different and all matter is made up of energy and that energy is basically vibrations, then it should not be too difficult to understand that metaphysical energy works the same way. The review done on various aspects of crops at different places indicated that the metaphysical energy created during BKRYM and applied to seeds, field crops, or water used for these purposes led to enhanced seed germination and vigor, and quality of crops. While keeping pace with chemical farming, the extensive use of metaphysical energy may lead to higher and pure crop produce in the future. Thus metaphysical energy has been found to play a vital role in enhancing all the stages of crop growth, i.e., from seed germination to final yield. Use of this energy can be successful, as it is a nonmonetary and powerful input as well as being helpful in improving the society. Thus the power of metaphysical energy created during Raja yoga meditation has been found to play a vital role in transforming agriculture as well as human health. All efforts need to be made to obtain such effects through the use of the metaphysical energy produced through Raja yoga meditation. This will not only transform agriculture but also facilitate transforming farming families and other human beings.

Feeding the world with yogic farming
At Rio+20, (19/06/2012) Piero Musini, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University talks to Pavilion TV about Yogic Farming. Yogic farming he explains, exposes the seeds to positive thought for a few days before they are put into the ground – and then throughout the plants lifetime. He says the process – which uses organic methods of…