BIOCOP 15 Canada 2022

Last chance to protect the web of life?

Biodiversity is the web of life – what may be termed a worldwide nature web – of which human beings are an integral part. It encompasses life forms from the tiniest micro-organisms to the largest mammals, on and in the earth, in water, in air. There has long been concern at the loss of species…

A holistic approach to nature

The Brahma Kumaris at COP15 – a Holistic Approach to Nature At the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), progress remained slow and divisions among negotiators difficult to bridge. But the Brahma Kumaris (BKs), often working in collaboration with faith based organisations (FBOs), kept true to their stance that…

BIO COP15 Report 4: December 15-19, 2022

The 15th of December was a busy service day for the BK delegation at the CBD COP15 in Montreal, as well as for many ministers and heads of international organizations who lined up for the opening of the high-level segment. In the high-level segment, the COP President, Huang Runique, Minister of Ecology and Environment of China, welcomed delegates and announced the participation of 126 ministers and 77 deputy ministerial representatives from 140 parties as well as 60 heads of international organizations.

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BIO COP15 Report 3: December 12-14, 2022

As the Un Biodiversity Conference COP15 entered its second and final week, negotiation streams multiplied and intensified. The flow of participants increased noticeably in negotiating rooms but also in spaces hosting side-events and the Rio Conventions Pavilion.
The Brahma Kumaris delegation being a member of Multigaigh Group for Biodiversity had a busy week ahead.

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BIO COP15 Report 2: December 9-11, 2022

The Brahma Kumaris delegation entered the 3rd day of the UN Biodiversity Conference COP15 in Montreal. It was another busy day, negotiations in UN CBD COP15 showed signs of progress. Many wondered, however, whether the pace is fast enough to make it to the finish line on time. Deliberations on the global biodiversity framework (GBF) bore some results, although incessant disagreements on its goals indicate that parties’ visions on the future of global biodiversity governance still differ.

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BIO COP15 Report 1: December 6-8, 2022

Biodiversity, the variety of all life on earth, is being lost at an alarming rate. Ecosystems,  from forests and deserts to freshwater and oceans, are in steep decline. One million plant and animal species are threatened with extinction. Genetic diversity is disappearing.
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Awakening A Flourishing Future

Statement of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Conference of Parties (COP15)
December 7-19 2022, Montreal Canada

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Event Calendar UN Biodiversity COP15 in Montreal

The Brahma Kumaris and Biodiversity at CEPA Fair Virtual Exhibition:
The Brahma Kumaris and Biodiversity @
Daily reflections and meditations will be organised at Multifaith Pavilion COP155

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Untied Nation Convention on Biological Diversity COP15 in Montreal, Canada, 7-19 December 2022

From December 7-19, 2022, at the United Nations Biodiversity Conference, chaired by China in Montreal’s Palais des Congrès, representatives from across the globe are being called on to finalize and approve measures to arrest the dangerous, ongoing loss of terrestrial and marine biodiversity and set humanity on a path to a sustainable relationship with nature…