Brahma Kumaris at COP29, 20th – 22nd November
This year, the COP29 Faith Pavilion offered daily ‘Spiritual Moments’ a serene 30-minute space where diverse faith traditions including the Brahma Kumaris, converged to lead moments of meditation, prayer, and contemplation. This sacred environment provided participants with an opportunity to pause, reflect, recharge and reconnect with their inner selves, each other, and the Earth. Each…

Raising ambition and accelrarating action – the Brahma Kumaris at UNCCD COP16 The sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP16) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) will take place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from 2 to 13 December 2024. UNCCD COP 16 is more than a critical milestone – it…

Brahma Kumaris at COP29, 18th – 19th November
Over the years, food has become an increasingly important issue at COP conferences. This is partly due to the concerns over food security because of climate change but also because of the predominance of unsustainable farming methods used worldwide. This year, the COP team hosted regular reflections and meditations in the Food Action Hub and…

Brahma Kumaris at COP29, 14th – 16th November
Faith groups play a crucial role at COP29, contributing to the global climate action discourse and influencing policy decisions. They also provide a moral and ethical framework for climate action grounding it in spiritual teachings and values which can help to mobilise individuals and communities to take action. As we move into the end of…

Brahma Kumaris at COP29, 11th – 13th November
Every year, the COP meets to determine ambitions and responsibilities for climate action, and to identify and assess climate measures.This year’s conference is hosted by Azerbaijan which holds the COP29 presidency.The presidency’s plan is based on two pillars: enhancing ambition, to ensure all parties commit to ambitious national plans enabling action, which highlights the vital…

UN Biodiversity COP16 Report 3

UN Biodiversity COP16 Report 2
The BK Green Team participated in many events at COP 16 from October 22 to 27, engaging in a range of activities across both official and public spaces.

UN Biodiversity COP16 Report 1
The Brahma Kumaris have an active delegation at Biodiversity COP 16 in Cali, Colombia. Over the course of the next two weeks the team will facilitate events such as consciousness and biodiversity, transitioning to harmony, and cultivating a culture of peace, as well as participating in others’ events and following the negotiations.

Biodiversity UN Conference COP16
From 21 October to 1 November, Colombia will host COP16 in Cali. The Biodiversity COP16 will bring together governments to assess progress in halting and reversing nature loss by 2030 and ramp up implementation action. Check Brahma Kumaris Voices at COP16, Calendar of Events

Earth Day 2024
Celebrating Earth Day – 22 April 2024 – Planet Vs Plastic – The Brahma Kumaris have been partnering with the Earth Day organisation to promote the awareness of our responsibility towards the Earth. The theme for this year’s Earth Day, on the 22nd of April 2024 is Planet vs Plastic. Along with many others from various…

Brahma Kumaris at COP28 – Food systems and Sustainable Lifestyles 10 – 12 Dec 2023
Food systems and Sustainable Lifestyles 10th-12th Dec. 2023

Brahma Kumaris at COP28 – Youth Empowerment and Land Restoration 08 – 09 Dec 2023
Faith and Sustainability 8th-9th Dec. 2023

Brahma Kumaris at COP28 – Energy and Just Transition 05 – 06 Dec 2023
Faith and Sustainability 5th-6th Dec. 2023

Brahma Kumaris at COP28 – Faith and Sustainability 3-4 Dec. 2023
Faith and Sustainability 3-4 Dec. 2023

Brahma Kumaris at COP28 – Talanoa Dialogue – 30 November 2023
Informal Interfaith Gathering in the Spirit of Talanoa Dialogue at COP28

Report – Leading up to the UN Climate Change Conference COP28, UAE
COP28 Report date 30th Nov. to 12th Dec. 2023

Rising to the Climate Emergency – Brahma Kumaris at COP28
U.A.E. will host the 28th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai 30th Nov – 12th Dec 2023

Helping the Bush
by Jessica Yuille, Coordinator of the Blue Mountains Retreat Centre, Australia In Australia the Brahma Kumaris are fortunate to have four Retreat Centres all with varying amounts of beautiful natural bush and native animals. As custodians of these areas we do our best to care for them. This can mean leaving them alone but…

Africa Climate Summit, Nairobi, Kenya
Sisters Pratibha and Urvashi attended the Africa Climate Summit. It was a great opportunity to meet many dignitaries. Over 20 heads of State and hundreds of delegates including members of the diplomatic community, ordinary farmers and members of the indigenous communities also attended.

BK Philippines Service News “Soul-utions to Plastic Pollution” In Observance of UN Environment Day
BK Philippines Service News “Soul-utions to Plastic Pollution” In Observance of UN Environment Day

Malaysia: Report on Climate Change Public Forum
Malaysia: Report on Climate Change Public ForumTheme: Reversibility of Climate Change – The Missing Dimension 23rd July 2023 Sunday 6.00 pm to 8.30 pm, Bangsar

SB58 Climate Conference 2023 Report 1
The Brahma Kumaris delegates participated in the daily coordination meeting of RINGO- the Research and Independent Non-Governmental Organizations (RINGO), a constituency to the UN framework convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),in which the Brahma Kumaris is a member. Read more ..

Brahma Kumaris celebrating World Environment Day, 2023
World Environment Day Om Shanti, warm and heartfelt greetings to all. June 5th is World Environment Day! Please accept an invitation for all Baba’s Centres to host a public event or BK activity to celebrate this day and add spiritual vibrations to the healing of the land, the waters, the air and the environment that…

Golden Era Eco Service – collaboration project
Golden Era Eco Services was formed to fulfil one purpose – service to Mother Nature and the global community. We use ancient wisdom & experiences & techniques from permaculture with pure vibration to create most self-sustaining natural ecosystems. Learn more about Golden Era Eco Service

Planting Seeds for a Better World
“The earth yields resources to be shared, conserved and used sustainably……. In the freedom of the seed lies the hope and potential for a better world; and in each of us lie the seeds of our deepest and highest humanity, which comes from returning to our membership of the earth family” – Vandana Shiva, scientist…

Sharing Peace Love Gratitude and Hope
As the sun rises worldwide, people of all faiths and of all backgrounds will awaken and arise in prayer or meditation with the dawn. We will be united in our homes and sacred places. At the Brahma Kumaris, we invite you to join our experienced Rajyogis in Sharing Peace, Love and Hope for all life forms. We will celebrate Earth Day by sharing our gratitude for mother earth.

Seeds of Change.
A documentary presenting the approach, commitment and activities of the Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative. The current environmental emergency is a clear call to transform our awareness and lifestyle. The Brahma Kumaris Environmental aims to encourage all of us to feel that we are guardians of the Earth’s resources. As a spiritual organisation our main aim…

Last chance to protect the web of life?
Biodiversity is the web of life – what may be termed a worldwide nature web – of which human beings are an integral part. It encompasses life forms from the tiniest micro-organisms to the largest mammals, on and in the earth, in water, in air. There has long been concern at the loss of species…

A holistic approach to nature
The Brahma Kumaris at COP15 – a Holistic Approach to Nature At the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (COP15), progress remained slow and divisions among negotiators difficult to bridge. But the Brahma Kumaris (BKs), often working in collaboration with faith based organisations (FBOs), kept true to their stance that…

Facing the Challenges of our Rapidly Changing World
Global Co-operation House hosted a contribution to the Great Big Green Week: Facing the Challenges of our Rapidly Changing World. The speakers were two spiritual leaders: Maureen Goodman, Canon Giles Goddard and two scientists: Professor James Mair, Dr Thomas Bruhn.

Tree plantation by Rajyoga centers in Hong Kong
50 Trees planted by the Brahma Kumaris in Hong Kong as a part of the Environment Outreach initiative.

BIO COP15 Report 4: December 15-19, 2022
The 15th of December was a busy service day for the BK delegation at the CBD COP15 in Montreal, as well as for many ministers and heads of international organizations who lined up for the opening of the high-level segment. In the high-level segment, the COP President, Huang Runique, Minister of Ecology and Environment of China, welcomed delegates and announced the participation of 126 ministers and 77 deputy ministerial representatives from 140 parties as well as 60 heads of international organizations.

BIO COP15 Report 3: December 12-14, 2022
As the Un Biodiversity Conference COP15 entered its second and final week, negotiation streams multiplied and intensified. The flow of participants increased noticeably in negotiating rooms but also in spaces hosting side-events and the Rio Conventions Pavilion.
The Brahma Kumaris delegation being a member of Multigaigh Group for Biodiversity had a busy week ahead.

BIO COP15 Report 2: December 9-11, 2022
The Brahma Kumaris delegation entered the 3rd day of the UN Biodiversity Conference COP15 in Montreal. It was another busy day, negotiations in UN CBD COP15 showed signs of progress. Many wondered, however, whether the pace is fast enough to make it to the finish line on time. Deliberations on the global biodiversity framework (GBF) bore some results, although incessant disagreements on its goals indicate that parties’ visions on the future of global biodiversity governance still differ.

BIO COP15 Report 1: December 6-8, 2022
Biodiversity, the variety of all life on earth, is being lost at an alarming rate. Ecosystems, from forests and deserts to freshwater and oceans, are in steep decline. One million plant and animal species are threatened with extinction. Genetic diversity is disappearing.
Click here for a full report

COP27 High Lights – A spiritual message of hope and resilience
The Brahma Kumaris (BK) delegation, led by Maureen Goodman, rose energetically to the challenge of communicating hope and resilience in a time of climate emergency at November’s COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, even as the civil society participation was more restricted than at Glasgow in 2021. Our multinational team, drawn from countries in the Arabian…

Event Calendar UN Biodiversity COP15 in Montreal
The Brahma Kumaris and Biodiversity at CEPA Fair Virtual Exhibition:
The Brahma Kumaris and Biodiversity @ CBD.int
Daily reflections and meditations will be organised at Multifaith Pavilion COP155

Untied Nation Convention on Biological Diversity COP15 in Montreal, Canada, 7-19 December 2022
From December 7-19, 2022, at the United Nations Biodiversity Conference, chaired by China in Montreal’s Palais des Congrès, representatives from across the globe are being called on to finalize and approve measures to arrest the dangerous, ongoing loss of terrestrial and marine biodiversity and set humanity on a path to a sustainable relationship with nature…

This is my Now!
Wherever we are in the world, the outcome of the COP27 meeting these past two weeks in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, will disappoint many of us. Even so, examples of quiet strength and conviction emerged. Faith-based organisations, present throughout, spoke up for first principles: climate justice, human rights, finance for the suffering. They discussed practical steps,…

Sixth Report on the UN Climate Change Conference COP27
COP27 Report date 16th Nov. to 18th Nov. 2022

Faith-based Organisations: Speaking up for Humanity and the Earth
Well into the second week of the latest COP meeting and certainty is as elusive as ever. An air of mystery around the negotiations is amplified by some prevarication in public by officials, no doubt due in part to the pressure of discussions going right down to the wire. Then, the vocabulary is mind-bending, even…

Fifth Report on the UN Climate Change Conference COP27
COP27 Report date 14th Nov. to 15th Nov. 2022

Fourth Report on the UN Climate Change Conference COP27
COP27 Report date 11th Nov. to 12th Nov. 2022

Building Trust, Leading Transformation
Amid the hustle and bustle, the negotiations and the disagreements of a UN Climate Conference, there are spaces where open-hearted dialogue and quiet reflection, including meditation, take place.

Raising their Voice: Young People at COP27
The young generation steps forward to call for comprehensive action to secure their future and save the Earth

Delivering the promise: How to ensure future adaptation needs are addressed.
Date/Time: Fri, 11.11.2022, 11.30-13.00 COP27 Side Event Delivering the promise: How to ensure future adaptation needs are addressed. Urgent action is required to close the prevailing adaptation finance gap and deliver finance to communities where it is needed most. While scaled up finance that matches the scale of adaptation needs is required, much remains to be…

COP27 Press conference
Date/Time: Fri, 11.11.2022, 10:00-10:30 COP27 Press conference Core values and ethical principles for climate action – Maureen Goodman, Brahma Kumaris – Programme Director UK, and Representative to UN, Vienna Golo Pilz, Brahma Kumaris Adviser Renewable Energy Thomas Hirsch, Founding Director Climate & Development Advice Germany Venue: Press Conference Room Luxor, Taba Area, Blue zone

Rising to the Climate Emergency – Brahma Kumaris at COP27
Egypt will host the 27th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh on 6–18 November 2022.

Kalp Taruh
Kalp Taruh is a key plantation project cum mechanism By Brahma Kumaris to ensure land restoration and promote higher order values for building a better civilized society and support many of the UN SDGs.
Know More (Kalp Taruh website)

Water Conservation and Recycling Report, Mount Abu, India
For conserving rainwater Brahma Kumaris has built reservoirs at its headquarters campuses and in the nearby places of Abu Road. Besides this, all the major center buildings of India have proper underground water harvesting units.

In the Spirit of the Talanoa Dialogue Report
In the Spirit of the Talanoa Dialogue – Building Trust and Respect with Planet and Community was held on Saturday 3rd July 2022 at Global Cooperation House in London. This was a hybrid event, in partnership with Faith for the Climate, offered as a contribution to London Climate Action Week with a special focus on Africa, on the road to COP27.

Peace Drops for the Great Green Wall
Peace Drops for the Great Green Wall, a Meditation Initiative
Please join us on the second Sunday of each month at 2 pm GMT for English and 6 pm GMT for French program, on YT BKEnvironment and FB EcoBrahmaKumaris.

Save our Ocean, Protect our Future, Ocean2022
Save our Ocean, Protect our Future
2022 UN Ocean Conference Lisbon, Portugal, 27 June – 1 July 2022
The Second United Nations Ocean Conference will take place from 27 June to 1 July 2022, at the Lisbon Altice Arena Convention Center.

Report Stockholm +50, UN Conference 2-3 June 2022
Stockholm+50 conference commemorates the first United Nations Conference in 1972 on the Human Environment and celebrates 50 years of global environmental action. By recognizing the importance of collaboration in tackling the Earth’s triple planetary crisis – climate, nature, and pollution – the international meeting aimed to drive action toward a healthy planet for the prosperity of all.
Read more

Report Stockholm +50, Inner Transformation, Sustainable Lives
This year marks 50 years since the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment, a seminal event in creating awareness and promoting action to combat the degradation of the Earth and natural resources.

2nd Service Report Brahma Kumaris at UNCCD COP 15 Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire (the Ivory Coast)
The second and final week of UNCCD COP15 in Abidjan was a time for creating friends of the Earth among COP delegates and anyone caring for the land, who came in contact with Brahma Kumaris. There were number of gatherings within and outside COP15 venue, such as an informal get together, COP15 Reception, side event and dinner hosted by the Prime Minister of Côte d’Ivoire. These formed a platform to share our inside – out approach to healing the land and creating prosperity. Another highlight was the amazing Great Green Wall that became an inspiration for a new meditation project.

1st Service Report Brahma Kumaris at UNCCD COP 15 Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire (the Ivory Coast)
The Brahma Kumaris is accredited to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and is particpating in the 15th Conference of Parties (COP) taking place in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire from 9 to 20 May 2022. The BK delegation is active in the CSO platform, contributing to various Thematic Working Groups, attending COP15 plenary sessions and side events with the aim of exploring and further understanding challanges related to land restoration, droughts and desertifcation. We bring to these discussions the knowlege of role of consciousness in all aspects and offer practical examples and solutions.

Stockholm+50 Conference
Stockholm+50 will commemorate the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and celebrate 50 years of global environmental action. Join the Brahma Kumaris Environment team in two associated events.
1 June: Healthy mind, Healthy planet |
2 June: Shift in Mindset

UNCCD Africa COP15
The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) COP15 Conference is taking place in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, from 9 to 20 May 2022. Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative is sending a delegation to address the theme: ‘Land. Life. Legacy: From scarcity to prosperity’, a call to action to ensure land, the lifeline on this planet, continues to benefit present and future generations.

Progress Report on “India one”, Solar Thermal Power Plant
“India One” is a 1 MW electrical Solar Thermal Power Plant with 16 hrs thermal energy storage allowing for round the clock operation. This captive power plant supplies power to Brahma Kumaris headquarters in Abu Road, Rajasthan with total capacity of 25,000 people.

Water management with Rajyoga
Water management with Rajyoga. Water is precious, Life could not exist without it.

Food Care Initiative – BKEI
This toolkit is a resource of information and activities to guide your participation in and contribution to the Brahma Kumaris Food Care Initiative. You are warmly invited to select any aspect which interests you. The toolkit can be used for personal development or to help you design and implement events for youth and adults in your city or country.

David Fletcher’s interview
David Fletcher puts the case for returning to more traditional forms of growing and preparing food so as to restore our sacred relationship with the land. David Fletcher has been a community development educator and researcher for over 30 years. He has had the opportunity to work with and learn from indigenous people in Africa,…

Report on the UN Climate Change Conference COP26, 11th-13th November 2021
Report on the UN Climate Change Conference COP26, 11th-13th Nov. 2021 – Glasgow, Scotland

UN Climate Change Conference COP2 : Climate engagement: From protests to play
As negotiations in Glasgow went down to the wire in week two of COP26, civil society organizations presented a rich programme of events to communicate their vision for meaningful action.

Report on the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 9th-10th November 2021
Report on the UN Climate Change Conference COP26, 9th-10th Nov. 2021 – Glasgow, Scotland

Report on the UN Climate Change Conference COP26, 7th-9th November 2021
Report on the UN Climate Change Conference COP26, 7th-9th Nov. 2021 – Glasgow, Scotland.

Raising their voices, calling for justice
A recurring theme – and social media meme – surrounding COP26 is how far the concerns of ordinary people are being heard. Cries of “greenwashing” are getting louder.

Report on the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 5th-6th November 2021
Report on the UN Climate Change Conference COP26
5th-6th Nov. 2021Glasgow, Scotland

“India One” – a model of co-operation in renewables
COP26 Report 3 5.11.21, “India One” – a model of co-operation in renewables

Report on the UN Climate Change Conference COP26, 2 – 4 November 2021
Report on the UN Climate Change Conference COP26, 2nd– 4thNov. 2021Glasgow, Scotland

Calling for a Nature-Positive World
Faith and spiritual leaders yesterday formally called on politicians and negotiators at COP26 to step up to the plate and deliver on pledges made at Paris in 2015 as well as prioritise the transition to a just and green economy.

COP26 Report
COP26 Climate Talks Open in Scotland, As world leaders gather for COP26 in Glasgow, representatives of faith and spiritual groups step up to speak for the unheard.

ILC Webinar
A webinar organised by the Interfaith Liaison Committee (ILC) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Inspired Faith Action Towards COP26
Read more, Monday 27 September | 10:00-11:30 AM CEST
Read more, Monday 27 September | 17:00-18:30 PM CEST

A Meditation for UN Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies
A Meditation for UN Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies
Tuesday, 7 September 6.00 – 6.30 pm (AEST) ONLINE on YouTube
Link: http://tiny.cc/

Environment day celebration in India
Environment day celebration in India, Celebrating eternal bond with nature, celebrating awareness and action.

Yogis For Future
You and the BK Green Community are invited to the Pre-Launch of Yogis For Future. We welcome your feedback and ideas before the launch on Dadis Day 25th Aug.

LCOY Report UAE 2021

World Environment Day 2021
Dear Nature, 12 days festival celebrating eternal bond with nature In support of the UN decade of Ecological restoration. Reimagine, Recreate, Restore…it all starts with Realise, Review and Relive Invitation to everyone to participate in the 11 days various activities, enriched with 11 brilliant talks from Great leaders and Local Heros creating Global Impacts…

The Healing Force of Ahimsa
Ahimsa is an ancient philosophy. Sometimes described as ‘non-violence towards all life’, it is in fact a deeply felt way of being, in which we are able to experience the living energy of other life forms. It comes to us from a different time, a time when we had a deep connection with nature. Of…

ECO Yogis
In celebration of nature, and encompassing Mother Earth Day (22 April) and Environment Day (5 June), we invite you to join in on 7 special conversations with some members of the International Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative team where we will harvest their experiences, ideas and perspectives about nature, the environment and the work they do. bit.ly/ecoyogis

LCOY Australia Report
A brief report of the LCOY Australia 2021 program, Friday 5 – Sunday 7 February.

Faith for Earth Councilors : Capacity Building and Development program
New Delhi, 17th March; A meeting of high-level faith-based organizations from the Hindu community was held yesterday at UN House, New Delhi to seek synergies between the ongoing work of many faith institutions and the vision of UNEP as part of the Faith for Earth Councilors Program.

Urgently Addressing Climate Change as a Human Rights Issue
An event offered by the Geneva Interfaith Forum on Climate Change, Environment and Human Rights (GIF) on the occasion of the 46th Session of the UN Human Rights Council.
Concept Note
Urgently Addressing Climate Change as a Human Rights Issue – Small Island States, Indigenous Peoples, Youth and Faith Perspectives

Programs dedicated to UNEA5.1 – UN Environment Assembly February 2021.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the lens of values. Wednesday, the 3rd of February, at 4.30 – 6.00 PM CET
Inner awareness and commitment for restoring nature. Saturday, the 6th of February, at 9:00 – 10:30 AM CET

LCOY 2021
The Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) is a youth-led global movement under the umbrella of YOUNGO, the official youth and children NGOs constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
We invite participation from youth students, young entrepreneurs and those interested to get involved in creating a better world. You will learn about climate change, sustainable initiatives, innovations and network with like-minded youth.
LCOY UAE | LCOY Australia

Faiths Unite: Visions for Transformative Climate Action
Faiths Unite: Visions for Transformative Climate Action

Brahma Kumaris Report (2018 – 2020) to the United Nations
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Report 2018-2020 of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU)

Video: 10 ways to change the world
By changing our consciousness and re-connecting with our inner spirit we naturally want to make the world a healthier, safer and more beautiful place.

LCOY India 2020

Faiths Unite: Visions for Transformative Climate Action
The Interfaith Liaison Committee welcomes friends from around the world to learn, discuss and explore climate action in the run-up to what should have been COP26.
Online Event, 27 Oct: The World We Want

Brahma Kumaris Report (2014 – 2017) to the United Nations
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) Report 2014-2017 of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU)

Golo’s service tour of Denmark, Sweden and Lithuania
Golo’s service tour of Denmark, Sweden and Lithuania
Easing the lock-down and re-starting BK centre activities

UNEP: Faith for Earth meeting Dec 2019
This was an international three day workshop, held 17th -19th December 2019 and attended by Faith for Earth leaders on invitation by UNEP, to develop proposals in line with the sustainable development goals to address issues of climate change.

Webinar Series on Human Rights, Ethics and Climate Change
GIF Webinar Series on Human Rights, Ethics and Climate Change Report
Webinar #1 and #2: Human Rights, Ethics and Climate Change
Webinar #3: Human Rights, Ethics and Climate Change (in Spanish)

Healthy Mind, Healthy Planet, Global Online Summit
Eminent speakers and wonderful performers from all walks of life from Peru, Costa Rica, New York, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Philippines, Hong Kong and Australia contributed to the Healthy Mind, Healthy Planet webinar.

World Environment Day (Youth events).
A new initiative by Brahma Kumaris Youth has been launched on the occasion of the World Environment Day (WED 2020).

Talk on Effect of COVID-19 on Climate Change & World Renewal
Amidst the worldwide lockdown and in conjunction with World Environment Day, Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative, in cooperation with Brahma Kumaris Malaysia and Awakening TV Channel, hosted a thought-provoking Global YouTube LIVE Public Talk themed: “Effect of COVID-19 on Climate Change & World Renewal”

Green Day in Madhuban 2020
The Green Day dedicated to the environment has now become a bi-annual event in Madhuban. Many activities took place with focus on emergency preparedness and refining our relationship with and service of Mother Earth.

Meditation for the World
Welcome to our daily 15 minutes synchronised meditation with the whole Brahma Kumaris community around the world to share vibrations of peace with the world.

Prakruti Mitra Award
Brahma Kumaris centre in Bangalore was honoured with the “Prakruti Mitra Award” by BNM Institute of Technology, Banashankari & Heritage Trust(R) , Basavanagudi.

Building community resilience in the face of environmental injustice
The Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute policy conference was held on 5-7 November 2019 in Johannesburg. Its purpose was to allow faith leaders from Southern Africa and beyond to deliberate, share practices, and jointly develop policy positions on a number of key issues. Sister Usha of Brahma Kumaris gave an impassioned speech at the closing of the conference.

COP25 – Chile – Report 2
The programme of events in Chile for COP25 has continued, even though the conference was moved to Spain. This report describes some of the many team activities.

LCOY15 Netherlands
The Brahma Kumaris supported The Local Conference of Youth for Climate Change Netherlands (LCOYNL) 2019 with an experienced team. This conference took place from 16-17 November at the Amsterdam University College.

COY15 Madrid
The Conference of Youth (COY) is held annually in the same country and prior to the Conference of the Parties (COP), which is the supreme decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). COY serves as a preparation session for youth non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to develop position papers, network and form strategic decisions on climate change solutions. Despite the COP venue moving from Chile to Spain, Brahma Kumaris fielded a strong team of experienced young people.

LCOY in Germany 2019
The Local Conference of Youth (LCOY) for Germany was held in Heidelberg, Germany in October 2019. Over 550 young people attended the event. The local BKs, as well as having an exhibition stand, organised many meditation sessions for the participants. It was a good success.

COP25 – Madrid – Report 11 (last)
After a busy two weeks, much has been done by the team. Several new collaborations have been created. The team is now dispersing back to their places around the world. In this report:
- A review of the final outcome from COP25
- Article in German Newspaper “Die Zeit”
- A Vigil by Interfaith community
- Travel compensation arrangements
- A creative reflection and dialogue
- Feedback meeting
- A birthday party
- Goodbye from the editing team
- Additional reporting on the reflection and dialogue space

COP25 – Madrid – Report 10
The tireless BK COP Team continue holding events and collaborating with other groups. In this report:
- More news from the COP
- Side event in the Chile Pavilion
- An intergenerational dialogue between all the UN climate bodies and youth representations
- A UN head of organisations leadership dialogue
- Civil society forum
- Some splendid photos
See the report and photos (phone)

COP25 – Madrid – Report 9
In this report:
- Greta Thunberg’s speech and a review of the COP25
- A side event by BK and Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, at the German Pavilion
- Training with Green Faith
- An interfaith co-ordination meeting
- A second BK reception
- Meeting an education leader from Ahmedabad, India

COP25 – Madrid – Report 8
COP25 is now reaching its important stage where decisions need to be made. The BK team continue to give their message in many creative ways. In this report, there is:
- Opening of the high level plenum and where we are at
- Addressing climate change through a human perspective
- BK public program dedicated to COP25
- Youngo daily meeting
- Side event with Al Gore, chairman of the Climate Reality Project
- Action for climate empowerment
- A smoke ceremony
See the report and photos (phone)

COP25 – Madrid – Report 7
The team in Madrid continue to make important connections and meet more VIPs. Monday 9th December was a particularly busy day for them. In this report is included:
- The arrival of Greta Thunberg
- Press conference solar cookers
- BK press conference with Sister Jayanti
- Faith leaders meeting UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary
- A Briefing on Geo-engineering
- A side event “The power of the religious environmental movement”
- Meeting the Nigerian Minister of the Environment
- A Dialogue of the Resistance Frontiers Initiative
- Some photos of key moments

COP25 – Madrid – Report 6
The BK COP team in Madrid continue to make important connections and collaborations, sharing the idea that the world needs a change in consciousness. Included in this report:
- A report of the state of the COP negotiations
- The interfaith press conference with Sister Jayanti
- Activities in the Civil Society space
- A side event, “Building a spirit of solidarity to deal with the climate emergency
- The creation of the Sanctuary Space, a new collaboration including BK

COP25 – Madrid – Report 5
The team had a chance to take some time out from their busy schedule. This report includes:
- The half way briefing
- A message from Dadi Janki
- The president of India visiting Madhuban
- A green outing
- News of the climate march

COP25 – Madrid – Report 4
After the intense period of BK programmes and side events, the team were able to network with other groups and enjoy some social occasions with them. In this report there is:
- Workshop on tracking progress 2020-23, a two day CAMDA workshop
- Inner Dimension of Climate Change, a programme of the Global Peace Initiative
- A reception for friends
- How do we relate to future generations? – Organised by the Institute for Advanced Social Studies and BKs helped to facilitate

COP25 – Madrid – Report 3
The Brahma Kumaris team continue to be busy meeting organisation leaders from around the world and sharing the message of peace. In this report there is:
- BK COP Press conference
- Lecture at University Carlos III
- Sister Jayanti meeting the Environment Minister of Argentina
- A view of the Indian Pavillion

COP25 – Madrid – Report 2
This second report from the COP25 reflects one of the Brahma Kumaris’ busiest days. There were several Brahma Kumaris side events and the exhibition stand has been kept busy as it has been, once again, very popular. This report includes:
- Background information for COP25
- 10 ways to change the world exhibition stand
- The interfaith coordination meeting
- Side event: Strengthening Peaceful Pathways to Sustainable Solutions
- Side event: Inspiring Courage to Act and Adapt in a Climate Emergency
- Side event: Collective Adaptation to the Climate Emergency

COP25 – Madrid – Report 1
This report records the formation of the highly qualified Brahma Kumaris team from around the world participating in the COP25. This report includes:
- The BK team introduction
- Attending the Indigenous Peoples’ Platform
- The initiation of action by the interfaith group
- The opening of the COP25
- Attending the Human Rights and Climate Change meeting
- The BK exhibition stand firing into action

COP25 – The beginning
As has been the case for many years now, Brahma Kumaris will be participating in the Conference of Parties 25 (COP25). Even though the event has moved half way around the world, from Chile to Spain, a strong team has been assembled for the event. Many programs have been arranged to enable us to convey our message of spirituality and its importance to managing climate change. Here we give the team profiles, the calendar of events and a press statement of 2/12/19.

COP25 – Chile – Report 1, November and December
The COP25 team assembled in Chile produced a number of events in preparation for COP25 being in Chile. This report describes the team and a presentation by Golo Pilz. This talk included all the main points of the work of Brahma Kumaris for the environment. There is also description of a talk: Healthy mind, healthy planet at Viña del Mar.

LCOY Austria 2019
The Local Climate Conference of Youth (LCOY) for Austria took place in November 2019. About 300 young people attended.

LCOY 15 India
LCOY-15, INDIA is being hosted by Brahma Kumaris from 2nd to 4th November at its spiritual HQ, Mt.Abu, Rajasthan. Youth from all parts of India were invited to participate in this event and make their voices heard.

LH Positive Planet Forum 2019
5000 people gathered in Le Havre over three days, with 150 speakers from all over the world who presented practical positive propositions to change our societies facing new challenges. The Brahma Kumaris were invited to participate. Please see the link to the Positive Planet Foundation website:

LCOY-15 Invitation
LCOY-15, INDIA is being hosted by Brahma Kumaris from 2nd to 4th November at its International HQs, Mt.Abu, Rajasthan. Youth from all parts of India are invited to participate in this event and make their voices heard.

UNEP conference, Nairobi, 2019
This UNEP conference held in Nairobi in July 2019, was for youth leaders to come together to discuss actions they can take to facilitate control of climate change. It was a celebration of the 4th anniversary of Laudato Si and the 5th anniversary of the Catholic environment group CYNESA and was attended by a number of world leaders concerned with environmental issues.

Climate Week, Latin America & Caribbean, 2019
LACCWThs is a photo report of the participation of Brhama Kumaris in the Climate Week in Latin America & Caribbean.

Fertigation and orchard farming with meditation
The Brahma Kumaris family in Malaysia held a green retreat to look at aspects of agriculture with experts giving advice on such matters as Fertigation and Hydroponic Farming Systems. This was combined with reflections on the power of meditation to positively affect agriculture yields (yogic farming).