March 2021
Dear BK Green Community
The health of our planet depends on trees. Traditional cultures revered them and passed on remarkable understanding of all they provide for us. Most people now recognise the urgent need to protect our trees and help many more grow to help heal the damage done to the Earth’s biosphere. Remarkable projects are underway throughout the world to reforest deserts, build micro forests in cities, children are raising money to plant trees, people everywhere are waking up to the need to protect our trees and raising their voices to change our culture back towards one of guardianship and care towards our woodlands and forests.
In this newsletter, you can read our startling discovery about a 25 year long project initiated by Brother Jagdish planting vast numbers of trees in Indian cities. Also how a magnificent 80 year Peepal tree was saved and transplanted in Shantivan, and thousands more trees planted there over the past 20 years, transforming the environment. And we also explore just how much trees have to teach us about enlightened ways of living - how we can all give remarkable life changing help to each other through our invisible connections. As trees do for each other.
So we have some fascinating links and articles in this Newsletter, all about trees: from heartwarming to truly mind blowing. Enjoy!
As COP approaches and the world turns it attention to what governments are willing to do for the health of our planet, we would really like to know about your relationship to trees - what you have done for them and what they have done for you during your life time.
with love,
Wendy Marshall
New Tree Project section on website
Article: Trees are showing the way by Wendy
Report: Tree Planting at India-One
Report: Tree Planting by Rural Wing
Video: Judi Dench My Passion for Trees
Video: Intelligent Trees - The Documentary by Prof. Suzanne Simard
UN Forest Day 21st March- Forest restoration: path to well-being
The Power of Good wishes - Supercharge your Network
Welcome to a new series of meditations inspired by our trees.
Tribute to Gulzar Dadi
We are all remembering our beloved Gulzar Dadi with deep appreciation for what she has done for humanity. You may like to watch an interview the Green team and Sister Jayanti had with Gulzar Dadi about the Golden Age in 2012. It is available on the Jewels website; search for Golden Age Interview Gulzar Dadi.
Be Inspired by Asia Got Talent
El Gamma's Touching Tribute To Mother Nature
Videos and Reports of Events
- BK Shivani is our new Faith For Earth Counselar for India, see report
- Conference of Youth for the Climate in Australia, see report
- Urgently Addressing Climate Change as a Human Rights Issue with Sister Jayanti as panelist amongst others, from 26 March 2021, see video
Seeing the SDG's through the lens of value webinar, see video
Awareness and Commitment for Restoring Nature 6th Feb., see video
Women4Environment - Women in LEadership for Climate Action by UNEP Youth Group with Caroline as speaker amonst others, see video
Recommended articles
The Being of Change: Why our Minds Matter for Sustainability
by Christine Wamsler - An inspiring conversation between Sister Jayanti, European Director of Brahma Kumaris, and Christine Wamsler, Professor, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS). Founder & Director of the Contemplative Sustainable Futures Program
Arnold: Great initiative. Free courses about building a better future
Coming Up
Peaceful Greetings
and your newsletter editors
Peter, Jignesh, Golo, Arnold, Sonja
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