Rising to the Climate Emergency – Brahma Kumaris UK 2021 (COP26)
Rising to the Climate Emergency - Brahma Kumaris UK 2021
The UK will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow on 1–12 November, 2021. The COP26 summit will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The UK is committed to working with all countries and joining forces with civil society, companies and people on the frontline of climate change to inspire climate action ahead of COP26. Read more: https://ukcop26.org/
Ramping up Green Ambition for Brahma Kumaris Scotland and UK in preparation for COP26
Brahma Kumaris in the UK are collaborating with the international BK environment team to prepare for and contribute to COP26. They have been meeting regularly since Spring 2020. The international delegation consists of:
Sister Jayanti, UK/India – Head of Delegation; Golo Pilz, Germany/India – Energy Adviser; Valeriane Bernard, Switzerland/France – UN Representative Geneva; Sonja Ohlsson, Denmark – Focal point for UN Climate Change Conference; Julia Grindon-Welch, USA/UK – UN Representative New York; Carolin Fraude, Germany – BK Environment Initiative Berlin/Potsdam; Shantanu Mandala, India – Youth Representative
The national COP coordination team consists of:
Maureen Goodman – Programme Director London; Rose Goodenough – Coordinator InnerSpace Meditation Centre Glasgow; Marilyn Gordon- Assistant Coordinator Inner Space Meditation Centre Glasgow; Barry Jareckyj - BK Environment Initiative Representative Scotland; Maria Faundez – BK Environment Initiative Representative London, Coordinator GCH Eco Friends; Ruth Liddle - BK Environment Initiative Representative Manchester; Joanna Kitto– Coordinator BK Environment Initiative UK; Nik Haddadi - Youth Representative London
Scotland Get-togethers
Online Monthly Scottish National BK Community (with centres in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen) link up for eco activities update and sharing. At present they are inviting members of the international COP team to share about the link between consciousness and climate change, and to build momentum before COP.
Scottish Green Group
Louisa, Astrid, Myria, Pam, Donia, Carol Anne and Cristina are part of the new Scottish Green Group to facilitate more nature meditation and events. You are hereby invited to a forthnightly nature meditation. The first one took place 30th April, and the second will be 14th May.
Daily Mothering – Heartfelt invitation from BK Donia Keith, Cruden Bay
Just as nature and the elements never miss a day in providing: air to breathe, water, food, sunlight, warmth, coolness, I find my own heart now seeks to respond in equal measure. It is the feeling that a mother has when her precious child is sick and in hospital; the mother doesn’t just think of the child, but visits the child every day, giving constant love and reassurances that all will be well. It is the scientists, corporate leaders and elected governments that will instigate what has to be done to heal our Planet, but only we can give the constant love-filled vibrations that will enable it to take effect. Since the start of 2021, I set aside the time of 6.45pm to 7.00pm (local time) every day to do this. Will you also join with me to sit with our most precious child, our Planet, not just until a calendar date, but until it is well again and there is no further need?
Online Green talks
The COP group in the UK and Scotland are hosting a series of online talks on environmental topics with the overall theme of: Sustainable You. For example:
- Inner Resilience hosted by Inner Space Glasgow LINK
- Be a Giver like Mother Earth hosted by Inner Space Glasgow - LINK
- 5 Keys to Sustainable Happiness 8th May 6.30 pm hosted by Manchester Inner Space - LINK
Climate Youth Support
Bi-weekly compassionate listening circles are being provided for young climate activists. The group is composed of
passionate and proactive members of the COY organising committee. The sessions provide a nurturing and empathic
space for members to process, regulate and transform emotions, stress and fatigue.
Green Champions (GC)
The UK eco friends group have been meeting for yearly retreats at Worthing. They have been planning different projects for the future and developed the Green Champions Training Programme. Approximately 30 BKs in the UK have now completed the online training and about 15 regularly attend support meetings. Recently they have been given the task to come up with some projects that will help support the build up to the COP. These include:
- a meditation project where they will pledge regular meditation minutes to serve nature at Amrit Vela or during evening meditation
- A Green Champions Virtual Roadshow project which aims to promote the BKEI and introduce the GC online training programme to BKs around the UK starting in May.
Participation in various events and activities
- We dedicated a virtual meditation event to Green Faith’s project Sacred People, Sacred Earth on 11th
- We have taken part in various events to mark Earth Day. Sister Jayanti participated in anInterfaith Summit on April 22 organised by EARTHDAY.ORG India, to focus on the need to Restore Our Earth.
- We will be participating in World Environment Day in June.
- We plan to actively participate in the Climate Fringe Week hosted by Scotland in September.
The COP preparation group actively collaborates with following umbrella organisations:
Faith for the Climate, UK
- Green Faith International
- COP26 Coalition
- Interfaith Scotland
- Stop Climate Chaos Scotland – this includes: Weekly one minute meditations in Time for Action Campaign