Newsletter May 2020
Dear Friends,
Welcome to May edition of our Green Newsletter. As we all know, COVID 19 has changed the global landscape. We hope that the present insights will remain in the new normal – how we value and appreciate a simple lifestyle, time for personal reflection and nourishment of communities.
The lock-down time has also brought creativity to us, for example, Lockdown Upliftment from Australia and Online Kitchen and Terrace training from Rural Wing, India.
Australia Green Team
Lockdown Upliftment - For a bit of fun and connection with each other and nature at this time.
May/June E-Calendar- We hope you will be inspired to integrate at least one Eco program per month into your schedules.
Online Gardening, India
Agriculture and Rural Development Wing is organizing 3 days online training in Hindi on Kitchen and Terrace Gardening from 10 to 12 May 2020. You can see the 3 part video and a yogic farming cartoon in Hindi
World Environment Day 5th June
Theme: Time for Nature – TIME to wake up, to take notice, to reimagine our relationship with nature. Find out what you can do
Online Healing Our Earth Summit
Brahma Kumaris global contribution to World Environment Day will be 7 hours online summit with contribution s from 7 continents/regions on Sunday 31st May. We will send updates closer to the date. Follow the summit
New Meditation commentaries for the Earth and the Elements by Sister Sona. Find them here under Good Wishes Commentaries
Tribute to Dadi Janki from India-One Solar Team
More on the link between the Coronavirus and the environment
Arnold shares shocking confirmation of degradation in the documentary Planet of the Humans. Also, that unlimited growth is not possible in a world with finite resources.
Golo shares a list of articles indicating that the destruction of
Habitat Creates the Perfect Conditions for Coronavirus to Emerge. Epidemics are a mirror of society.
'We did it to ourselves': scientist says intrusion into nature led to pandemic-
Halt destruction of nature or suffer even worse pandemics, say world’s top scientists
Destroyed Habitat Creates the Perfect Conditions for Coronavirus to Emerge
Caroline shares this brand new fact sheet on co-benefits of renewal energy that might be of interest to you:
Reports from Earth Day
Full Video Earth Day Concert with Ricky Key
Listening to Earth with contributions from Radha in Rome
Sister Jayanti visits Tapovan in April: Class took place in this lovely and saw the very beautiful Meditation Hall for the first time. Yogic Agriculture has been taken up in a big way here, with regular training for BK/Contacts Farmers taking place. Experts from various areas of agriculture gather here to help as well. We have 75 acres of land in Tapovan and it’s really a very lovely place with many fruit trees and plantation of vegetables.
Peaceful Greetings
Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative
and your newsletter editors
Peter, Golo, Arnold, Sonja
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