e-Book: Wings for Rio+20

A Call for Conscious Collective Action

Engaging Leaders from Business, Society and Spirituality

RIO+20, United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 2012. For leaders around the world it has become more than a conference for governments. It has stimulated them, from all walks of life, to raise their voice towards sustainable development. Giving 'wings' to sustainable development needs, concerted leadership by multiple stakeholders creating, innovating and working together with a common purpose towards shared value for people, teams, organizations, society and nature.

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This book brings together all those  voices that were raised during the Wings for RIO+20 Leadership Forum in The Hague in May 2012. An event that brought together spiritual, organizational business and societal leaders.  Consciousness was raised, attitudes changed, visions created. This will impact our behavior for a sustainable world where happiness, health and wellbeing for all beings are our primary goals. It is meant to be shared, inspire and give wings to continuous conscious collective action in your own environment and beyond. We are looking forward to continue our common journey towards a more sustainable world.

Muriel Arts, SEAL Institute
Sander Tideman, Global Leaders Academy
Brigitte van Baren, Inner Sense

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